
See, I’m already getting off track on posting. Something I loved back in my consistent posting days was a “Currently” post! Maybe that will keep me more regular.  Reading: I just finished Book Lovers by Emily Henry and it was spicy! I have historically not read steamy beach reads but all the heavy books I’ve been reading have been wreaking havoc on my dreams so I’m intentionally choosing lighter things to read before bed. The overall story for this one was actually very good.  I typically read an audiobook, e-fiction, e-non-fiction and any kind of paper book at the same […]

Getting our house Part 1

I finally have a space to tell the story about how we got our wonderful home! It would be like a 10-part post on Instagram and I wasn’t going to commit to that. We used to live in eastern Washington for one year from 2020-2021, moved back to Arizona due to the chaos of covid, then almost immediately I was like nope, we need to return. We obviously weren’t going to make another $8,000 move right away so stuck it out for a couple years until we decided it was time. We were also moving my mother-in-law with us, so […]

small changes

What! A! Year! For the first time since maybe ever, I feel like I’m at a point where I can finally relax. Life has been non-stop for a while now and some of it has been at my own doing because I’m a go-getter, but I’m now able to recognize that I don’t need to be the hero and try to save everyone. Big big task for an enneagram 8. Yes, I realize I’ve mentioned the enneagram in two posts now but hot damn, it’s a life changing thing. So going into the year I don’t want to have any […]

Welcome to my space.

I can’t handle social media anymore. The quick cash grab captions are just too difficult! Maybe I need 1,000 words to tell my story about how I thought I peed myself walking up the stairs one morning last week but I actually started my period? Why limit me? I’m an autistic enneagram 8 and I will overexplain anything I possibly can. Needing to limit myself for short Instagram captions takes a lot of effort to refine, edit, edit, edit some more, then barely swing a post that lands exactly at the character limit while eliminating 90% of what I really […]